Recruiters & Co
To Recruiters, Head Hunters, Talent Seekers, Hiring Managers, etc, wanting to contact me (Oliver Schoenborn) about current or potential work opportunities, please bear in mind that without setting boundaries, I would get too many connection and meeting requests, most of which would be a waste of both my time and yours.
For this reason, I recommend that you contact me ONLY if you can answer YES to all of the following regarding this or future opportunities:
Opportunity focuses on at least 2 of the following :
cloud infrastructure as code (terraform, pulumi)
python / Go
Opportunity involves mostly linux
Opportunity involves at least one of AWS, Azure, or GCP
Opportunity is mostly remote (once-in-a-while site visits are ok, like a day or 2 per month)
Opportunity can be c2c (corp to corp): contract is with my corporation (directly or via a contracting agency eg Toptal, Procom, etc)
Thank you for your understanding!
The following table provides other parameters related to contracting Sentian Cloud Computing Inc to do work for you or your client:
Last updated: June 22, 2022
As of latest update, my expected availability is
For 10 hrs / week: November 2022
For anything > 15 hrs / week: December 2022
Connection Requests
Skills & Experience
Only contact me about work that involves
automating cloud infrastructure (AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM, etc) via Terraform, Pulumi, CDK, Docker, Python, Go, bash
automating application / micro-services deployments via docker, kubernetes, helm charts, python, bash and CI/CD
setting up, managing, extending (via Golang) and securing kubernetes clusters
migrating legacy web apps (C++, Typescript) to kubernetes in Go
auditing cloud infrastructure and kubernetes for security
coaching on any of the above
Permanent Employment?
Contract & consulting work only, through Sentian Cloud Computing Inc. My business can be hired directly or through other agencies such as Toptal, The AIM Group, GSquad, etc.
Rest assured: I have never dropped a client! I finish all work and I have several repeat clients.
Relocation, On-Site work
I am happy to visit the workplace when necessary (a couple of times a month), but relocation is not possible.
Weeks, months, a year, open-ended, retainer, hourly, part-time, full time, anything goes.
You can end a contract on short notice for whatever reason (funding, change of direction, etc), as long as all work done before I got notice of the termination gets paid.
I am a Canadian citizen.
However I have worked for US companies through agencies like Toptal, EvolveSquads, and others.
Security Clearance
Significantly higher than Enhanced Reliability. Talk to me for details.
I have Professional Liability Insurance and I am a member of the APCC (Association of Professional Canadian Consultants).
CKAD (Jan 2021)
Last updated
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